Newsletter #1 UPDATE!

1st newsletter

April 4, 2023

Hello everyone,

Have some exciting news for you all, but I will wait until the end to leak that information to you. With this newsletter, I just want to share with my people what I'm up to, races I will be going to, future plans, some fun stories, and inspiration here and there!

Here's what has happened over the last few years

  • Kelly and I graduate with our masters in 2021

  • Next year, we find ourselves back in Hays working for the school and continuing coaching. Shout out to Karen McCullough for reaching out to the VP of our school to help Kelly and I find great jobs.

  • Kelly works at FHSU online and coaches the sprints

  • I work for Student Engagement coordinating student events at FHSU and help coach the distance events

  • I'm very blessed to continue to chase my dreams with this job. Most jobs out of college aren't the best when you're trying to run fast, but Fort Hays has taken care of me and is allowing me to keep running at a high-level!

  • Here's what my day looks like. Wake up and get a run in or a workout, get to work at 10:00 AM, create fun events for students on campus (can't believe I get paid for this), work until 3:00 PM, go to practice where I run some more with the athletes, go home and get lots of protein and hang out with the wife and the two cats (Sam, and Rocky)! Living the dream! Most days, I’m wiped by 8:00 PM but 10 hours of sleep is my superpower.

  • Had plantar fasciitis for two long years, and now can finally say I'm injury free (knock on wood). I tried fixing my feet with orthotics, painkillers, night splints, rest, ice, the whole nine yards. Nothing worked. Then finally I came across this weird barefoot movement that is spreading fairly fast nowadays! To keep this short, I started wearing Altras (wide-toe box and flat running shoes), spent more time barefoot for a year, strengthened my arches and toes, and now I don't have any problems with my feet. It's been a long process, but well worth it.

  • 2021 I dropped my 1500m down to 3:38.1 and ran a mile in 3:56.1. That year I was two spots out of making the Olympic trials.

  • 2022 I ran a little faster, dropping my 1500m to 3:37.57. Last year I ran 3:37 five times all from 3:37.5 to 3:37.9. What I did this year was raised the floor, I think any time I stepped on the track I could run that time, now I'm just waiting for a big breakthrough and raise the roof! Also, finished 7th at the US Championships only .1 behind first. I need to get better position next time!

  • 2023 Started off solid but nothing crazy. 2:22 1k, 3:58 mile, and a 1:48.9 800m at the Indoor USA's! This year I started coaching myself, basically taking what other great runners are doing, adding some new training and using what has worked in the past. Currently running anywhere from 75-95 miles in the week and feeling super strong.

  • Solo miles and workouts everyday can get very tough but it teaches me many life lessons. I know this isn't going to be easy, but I understand now that “the trials of miles, miles of trials” of running will help me become a better Husband, brother and coach and I’m thankful that running will do that for a person.

  • I know I'm missing a lot here and there but you get the jist!

Let me tell you a story

September 2015, little Brett is starting his first season at Hays, I’m absolutely hating cross-country workouts and wondering when we will start doing speed work. The upperclassmen, on the other hand, are cranking high mileage and the leader of the group was Troy Wineinger. At this time, Troy is a little injured and Coach has informed him that he needs to cut back the miles. For me, I need to stop worrying about the cross-country workouts but I can't get over that we never work on speed. So what the heck do these two goobers do?

Sunday evening about 8:00 PM I get out the door and go to Lewis field to do some 200’s that Coach did not assign. And who do I find there doing extra work? THE Troy Wineinger is ripping some 400’s or 800’s. This really felt like a scene in the book “Once a Runner”, I still get goosebumps thinking about that night! It was super special and I will remember that evening forever. As a coach, I would be disappointed in those two athletes. But as a runner, I 100% understand the risk we were taking.

What is next???

I'll be opening up my track season at Azusa Pacific on April 15th in a new singlet! For the first time in my career, I won't have to pay for my shoes!! I have signed a partnership deal with Altra Running, where they will send me shoes/gear and pay for some of my travel expenses. I'm pretty dang excited about this, especially since this is a company that is looking for the customer's best interest. With their shoes being a zero drop and having the natural wide toe box, it gives your toes room to breathe and helps your feet actually do the work rather than the shoe (feet are cool, use them)!

Other races/events coming up

  • April 15th- Azusa Pacific 1500m

  • May 5th- Sound running 1500m in LA or the North Relays Invitational Mile in KC

  • June 1st- Festival of Miles St Louis

  • June 3rd- Run/ Walk/ Roll 5k/10k at Scott Lake

  • June 5th-6th- Hold Fast Running Camp

  • June 24th- Stumptown 1500m Portland

  • July 5-9- USA Outdoor Championships

Thank you all for joining in on this journey with us, we’re super excited to let you all know what's going on while also sharing some fun stories from the past! Hold Fast out there everyone!

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!” Isaiah 52:7