On the Road Again

Newsletter #8

St. Louis Festival of Miles Tonight at 9:25 PM CST! Watch live for free!

Happy Thursday!

Tonight, Thursday, May 30, at 9:25 pm CST, I’m racing at the Festival of Miles in St. Louis. Watch here for free on Runnerspace! This event has always been special to me. In 2018, the meet director let me squeeze into the race my junior year of college when I had a 4:06 personal best. It was in that race that I came away with a sub-four minute mile and a lot of hope and belief in myself. Each year, more and more high schoolers are breaking the 4:00 barrier, but for me, even as a junior in college, it set a fire under me, and I believed I could train hard enough to be one of the top guys in the nation. My hope is that athletes look at my story and believe that if I can do it, they can, too. I believe what you must have, and what I strive to pursue daily, is hard work, patience, and perseverance. I have yet to make a huge breakthrough in the professional running scene, but I understand it takes many years to be an overnight success.

This race is going to be a blast! I’m competing alongside three of my best friends that I’ve met in this sport. If you’re watching tonight, be sure to cheer for Paul Ryan, Daniel Milhalski, and Austen Dalquist!

Festival of Miles, 2021

Update on Support

My amazing family put together a fundraiser to help my family and me cover travel, training, and competition expenses leading up to the Trials and raised more than enough to sponsor us and our journey. Thank you all so very much for your generosity and support!! 

If you’re still interested in purchasing a Hold Fast Shirt, you can place your order here. The online shop will close on Sunday, June 2nd!

After tonight's race, I will hit the road again, traveling to Nashville with a few other elite runners to go after a 1500m. You can watch it here on Saturday, June 1st, at 6:00 PM CST!

We will report back soon!

Hold Fast

Work Hard

Be Humble

Brett, Kelly and Judah