Sound Running 1500m!

Hello Team!

This will just be a short update with a link to the race tonight, we will have a recap and share about little J here soon! We thought we would send out the link to my race for tonight. Although, it will be pretty late back in KS (10:35 PM CT) but if you’d like to watch, here is the race information!

Here’s another great opportunity in this sport. Such a priceless trip so far. My friends picked me up from LAX in a white bronco and we ripped it down to the track for our pre meet ;). Got to do some strides and a threshold rep behind people for the first time all year!!! It’s been such a blessing just to see and reconnect with my friends that I haven’t seen since last racing season ended.

With the Olympic Trials standard out of the way, I am not stressing about times this season. I just want to be in the mix, give my best effort, enjoy the gift of racing and test my limits.. These I can control! Only 5 weeks until the Trials!!

These trips across the country are a little different nowadays. My heart yearns to be home with my Wife and little “Judah Toota” like no other. When I think about them I am reminded that I have so much to RUN for and I am very grateful I get to do this amazing sport. Hopefully I can go through another Olympic cycle (2028 LA) for Judah to watch.

Sorry this was short, wording/grammar was awful because my amazing editor is back home taking care of the family!! Mothers are so dang cool by the way! Happy mothers day to all those amazing women out there and thank you for your “Mothers Love” to your little blessings. 1 Corinthians 13:13 reminds me of the amazing women in my life “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” God Bless!

Hold Fast to the Gospel and embolden others to RUN the race!

Brett, Kelly and Judah.